Welcome to The Noise Project! I love it when you can create a concept that is built on more than just what you do. When you can create a business combining who you are, where you’ve been, and what you would like to share with the world, that is where the magic happens.
I believe this is what Amber Harlan and Charlie Peaches have created. Now, I have known Amber for many years and followed her journey to find the right home for her talent as a hairstylist. Cue the music, because this girl decided to invent that space for herself! With support from people like Charlie, her vision has come to life.

What’s In A Name
The Noise Project, when I first saw the name of the business on the window at Ferguson’s, it struck me as an unusual name for a salon. Then I found out through social media, of course, that Amber was opening it. From experience, I understand that naming your business is vital to people understanding what you do and who you serve. The same is true when Amber called her salon, The Noise Project.
After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the idea for The Noise Project came into existence. With this diagnosis, there must have ripple effects throughout her world. However, Amber has decided that there is no stigma, only education, support, and embracing community. The “noise” she experienced brought her to open a space where she can achieve the inclusiveness she desires to bring to light.

Only Up From Here
Amber is fantastic at bringing the community together to support a cause. She has done it for years with work in the Las Vegas non-profit community. Get ready for more of the same throughout her journey as a business owner. Being open for going on a month, she already has classes lined up to educate others in the industry. She has opened her space to provide guest spots for other amazing artists. Lastly, her support of others within the community has been recognized by the raving fans she has accumulated.
If you are not yet convinced that The Noise Project is a must-visit, I may have forgotten one small but crucial detail. She is a phenomenal hairstylist! For appointments or guest artist spots, you can reach Amber at 618-420-9327. Or, simply stop in at Ferguson’s Downtown and say hello.