2020 & Beyond! Yes, I know, I sound like buzz lightyear with that title! Regardless, here we go! A new decade is upon us, and within this decade, I will turn 50 years old. Could be the beginning, could be the end, you’ll have to tune in to find out. Lol!
Have you thought about what the next ten years will bring you? What do you want to accomplish? Are there obstacles you want to overcome? Is there something no longer serving its’ purpose in your life that you are going to give the boot?
My list is pretty simple:
- be present
- listen more
- speak in front of a crowd
- travel more
- let go of fear aka perfectionism
- stay healthy
- help people
- keep learning
One thing that has surprised me about joining the real estate industry is how much I have gained. I would never, and I do mean never step in front of a room of people voluntarily to speak. This year alone, I have done it on multiple occasions. I love to write but wouldn’t have had the courage to submit anything to be be published. But since I committed last year to step out of my comfort zone, this has also become a reality.
My life, both personally and professionally, has taken a trajectory that I could never have imagined. In no small part, thanks to you! You have trusted me and allowed me to grow. For your support, I am forever grateful.
As this next decade rolls in, I will continue to support you, cheer you on in business and life. Continuing to learn and improve my skill set to handle the challenges that will come my way is high on my priority list. And most of all, I will be thankful every day that my husband believed in me when I did not believe in myself to join this industry that I love.